The Beginner's Axioms

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The Zen of Python

The Zen of Python is a collection of guidelines for writing software, primarily aims towards (you guessed it) Python. It’s a short list, but its worth its weight in gold. The guidelines talk about issues like code structure and how a program should look.

The Beginner’s Axioms

I thought it’d be fun to make my own list, which I dub The Beginner’s Axioms. Its a short list of guidelines I wish I could’ve handed to myself when I first started learning how to program.

  • Learn slowly, forget slowly
  • Writing is better than reading.
  • When reading, official is better than unofficial.
  • Bad code is better than no code.
  • Mistakes are better than no mistakes.
  • The first step to fixing a problem is admission.
  • Community is better than solitude.
  • Comments, comments, comments.
  • Experiment, experiment, experiment.